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A few helpful Social Media tips

Social media marketing is tough. How do you post to keep yourself looking professional but at the same time connecting with people. Here are a few quick tips on what you can do to better utilize Social Media.

1# Find a niche market

We've all heard the saying. Don't be all things for all people. That has never rang more true than on social media. People want to follow you for a specific reason. If you focus in on a particular market you can develop yourself as a thought leader for something specific. People like to know what they are following you for.

2# Focus on that niche

When you focus on a specific niche your page begins to brand itself. Maybe it's your hilarious Spongebob Squarepants memes, or awesome deals you find people on Amazon. The point is to give your customers a clear reason to follow you. Forget about pleasing everyone and keep your posts consistent.

3# Find valuable content

Quality is more valuable than quantity. When you first begin social media marketing it may be tempting to start vomiting any content you can just to give people something. But remember that people react a lot more favorable to well thought out valuable content. Quickly find out what "valuable" means to your followers. What's valuable for you may not be valuable for them. Maybe at first not many people will see your content but that's okay. You can always re-post something that had few views because your following was small.

4# Use FREE 3rd party sites

Social media management could be a full time job for some businesses. Help yourself out and save time with a few free or cheap 3rd party apps. There are many third party sites that help you manage your time better. Hootsuite is a great example, they allow you to back date your posting and at the same time post to other platforms. There are also apps that find relevant content for you. helps you find relevant content to share about your market. It's great if you want to space your personal content and post more.

5# Keep your enemies closer

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. That bit of advice is great on social media. Learning as much as you can about your competition and learning in what ways they have success online can give you great ideas on how to increase your effectiveness. If a giveaway has thousands of likes, shares, or comments on a competitors page. Maybe trying that yourself could be a great idea. If it doesn't work that's fine just move on.

6# Patience is a virtue

Social media was only an overnight success for Mark Zuckerburg. Your not going to get a platform to a million followers tonight. It takes time and relevant content for people to start discovering you and sharing with their friends. So the key is consistency, keep routinely posting and analyze your strategy often. Thankfully sites like Facebook have amazing analytical tools that tell you what's working and what's not.

If you would like more help with social media, we want to give you a free consultation. Visit Millennial Marketing today.

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